7 scary (and true) stories you'd better not read alone in the dark.

Nobody likes to be scared, but everyone still has a scary story in store that they have experienced themselves. We listened to our friends and relatives and compiled seven stories.

We won't tell you the names of the people - because otherwise some stories would have remained secret. But everything happened exactly like that! At least the narrators swear ... 👻

1. The ghost room

I was about 15 years old when ghostly things happened in my room one night. It started around midnight when I woke up because my alarm clock had rung. At least I thought I heard him. So I got up, went to take a shower and got ready for school. When I wanted to leave my room with my bag over my shoulder, I noticed that it was still too dark outside for the time of year. So I took another look at my alarm clock: it was half past twelve in the night. With a strange feeling in my stomach and the question of what I was woken up with in the middle of the night, I undressed and went back to bed. But just when I was going to fall asleep again, it made "KLACK!" and suddenly I was in a brightly lit room. The sound had been made by the light switch that was flipped over. But who operated it? With a pulse of at least 200 I was sitting upright in bed. But there was nobody in the room except me. I think a few ghosts just wanted to annoy me that night - which luckily has never happened since then.

2. The little male

It was a winter night, it must have been just after midnight - about 15 years ago. I was on my way home - at that time I was still living near Zurich's Langstrasse - and left the tram at Stauffacher. I passed the church and the playground. It was freezing cold and the city was dead. No human soul anywhere. There was some snow on the streets and paths - but above all ice that groaned and crunched with every step I take. Shortly before the Volkshaus I noticed that a small male came towards me. Almost two heads smaller than me, black hair combed back with gel. He was wearing mustache and goatee. What irritated me from afar: The male didn't wear a jacket, just a white shirt and a black leather gilet. The cold still didn't seem to bother him. When he came closer, I noticed something else: his steps were absolutely silent. This male walked over the ice as silently as Legolas. Legolas in demon form. At the beginning I thought that my pounding would drown him out. I changed my cadence - but I could walk as I wanted, the man just couldn't be heard. And the closer he got to me, the more he irritated me. He also seemed to ignore me completely. His cold eyes just stared into space. Even when we passed each other. That changed when I turned to look at him a few meters later. The male had also turned to look at me and now I only saw naked hate in his eyes. To this day it was the only time that I suddenly changed the street side because of another «person».

3. The ghost grandpa

It was the night my grandfather died. I lay awake in my bed and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly a gust of wind blew through my room and raised the blind so hard that I startled. The door to the room was closed, it couldn't be a draft. To this day I am sure that it was my grandfather who went through the house again and said goodbye to me. I don't really believe in ghosts, but it was a little creepy anyway.

4. Exposed in the forest

We were in the trail camp on the Hoch-Ybrig and I should finally climb up to the big ones. Of course we first had to put the little ones through a test of courage. So the grown-ups abandoned us in a pitch-dark forest, armed only with a tealight - and in front of us a dark forest path. "Just follow the path," it said. We did and of course there were some elderly Pfadi people all over the bushes, rustling, making noises and really scaring us. At some point someone suddenly jumped out of the undergrowth, blew out our candles and we stood in the middle of the dark forest without light. Alone. Not really, but at that moment I really couldn't think clearly anymore, I was so scared. I was so scared at the time that today, over 10 years later, I remember that night very clearly - and I don't even remember what I had for lunch the previous day.

5. The fatal drug trip

A few years ago I went to the Uetliberg with a few friends. We wanted to use drugs there. It was winter in the beginning and already pretty cold. We made a fire, threw in MDMA and drank tea. When the serotonin started to work in our bodies, we were happy and looked down on the city. So we sat by the fire and chatted or just stared in front of us. Everyone as it was just good. But then something disturbed our harmonious sitting together. From a distance we saw the headlights of a car driving up the narrow street. The cones of light shone through the black outlines of the tree trunks. We wondered who was going up Uetliberg in the middle of the night. The car came to a stop about 50 meters away from us. There must have been a garbage can. Because we saw that one person got out and threw a big garbage bag away. The person then got back into the car and drove away. Of course we got paranoia afterwards. Plus on drugs. We discussed for a long time whether we should now check what was disposed of there. Illegal removal of green stuff? A dismembered person? Just when two colleagues wanted to make their way to the garbage can, we saw cones of light circling up the street again. It was a police car. The police stopped in the same place as the unknown car before. We couldn't see exactly what she was doing there. In my memory, blurred by the intoxication, the two police officers also lifted the lid of the trash can and looked inside. And then took out a garbage bag? I dont know. In any case, we persuaded ourselves that we had just witnessed an illegal handover. The whole thing was pretty scary.

6. Excursion to the forest

When I was about eleven or twelve we were on vacation in Tuscany. We were several families and four children the same age. One evening we all ate together in a restaurant near our house. We children decided after dinner that we wanted to run home together. It was already pretty dark - and we got lost in the forest. Then the path ended at a gravel pit, so we had to go back. On the way back we came to a fence that went across the forest. We suspected that it was for wild boar, but we didn't know whether we were in or outside the enclosure. So we were not only afraid of ghosts in the forest, but also of real wild boars. With a pocket knife and sharpened sticks we found our way back to the main street.

7. The lifeless body

When I took a long-distance night bus in Myanmar for the first time, I didn't know that it would arrive at the destination up to three hours before the specified time. So I stood there alone at 2:30 a.m. at the bus stop of an extinct cafe in a foreign country. Fortunately I had a guide with me who had a small map of the place. So I looked for the hostel that I had booked for the coming night. Thanks to my incredibly reliable sense of direction, I promptly ran in the wrong direction. Soon the street was no longer lit and I had to switch to my cell phone flashlight. When I had almost realized that I might be going in the wrong direction, my light beam suddenly fell on a human figure. It was a woman. In the middle of the street. The body lay motionless in a rather unnatural posture. But my mind didn't have time to process what I saw. The next moment I heard a growl and pointed my light beam at a couple of very unfriendly looking, stray dogs that were looking in my direction. The growl slowly started to bark and the dogs started walking towards me. So I took flight without hesitation and ran as far as I could back to the bus stop. Luckily there were a couple of youngsters hanging around with their scooters who kindly showed me the right way to the hostel. The next morning I went to the street again. In daylight everything was harmless and there was no trace of the woman.

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